Phrasal verbs easy exercise


 1. My car ________ on the freeway.
  broke down
  broke up
  broke through

2. The thief managed to ________ the police barricade.
  break through
  break in
  break on

3. My girlfriend and I ________ last month.
  broke through
  broke in
  broke up

4. Hey, ________ the girl with the red hair. She's very pretty.
  check out
  check in
  check at

5. ________! Things will get better.
  Cheer on
  Cheer at
  Cheer up

6. The police are trying to ________ on drunk drivers.
  crack up
  crack down
  crack through

7. He is so funny! He really cracks me ________.

8. I though the movie was going to end, but it just ________.
  dragged in
  dragged on
  dragged into

9. I'm really tired because I ________ at 5 AM this morning.
  got around
  got up
  got on

10. Friends can help you to ________ a difficult time in your life.
  get around
  get by
  get through


  • 1 - The food at this cafe is ___ good. 

  • 2 - You are ___ young to live by yourself. Wait until you are older.

  • 3 - Do you have ___ money?

  • 4 - This pie is ___ tasty. Can I have some more?

  • 5 - You are not speaking clearly ___ . I can't understand you.

  • 6 - There is more than ___ room for everyone to sit down. 

  • 7 - She's ___ short to reach the top shelf.

  • 8 - The information in the report is ___ interesting.

  • 9 - There are ___ books for everyone to have one. 

  • 10 - The rent is ___ expensive for me to live here.

Directions: Look at the following sentences and adjectives.  Rewrite the sentences using the adjectives in blue.  Be sure to write them in the correct order. 
1.  Aunt Betty wants a coffee table.  (stone, square, gray)
2.  The king took a trip.  (2-week, exhausting)
3.  These are cookies!  (chocolate chip, delicious, huge)
4.  Alice prefers furniture.  (leather, Italian, black)
5.  Archeologists get very excited when they find bones.  (animal, large, prehistoric)

Complete the phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets.

  1. your shoes.(Remove)
  2. Somebody has to the baby. (Take care of)
  3. She wants to the truth? (Discover)
  4. Where can I the sweater? (See if it fits)
  5. . (be quick)
  6. Why don't you ? (Take a seat)
  7. I will the train now. (Enter)
  8. the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)
  9. I want to the form. (Complete)
  10. The firemen the fire.(Extinguish)


  Rules to Remember!
1Use commas after each adjective except the last one (no comma between the last adjective and the noun).  For example, 
     Alice prefers black, Italian, leather furniture.
2If an adjective has 2 words, do not put a comma between the words.  For example,
     These are delicious, huge, chocolate chip cookies!
3It is not necessary to use adjectives with all nouns.  It is suggested that you use adjectives to describe things that are important to both the writer and the reader.  

Infinitive or -ing Quiz

1 We like our grandmother on Sundays.
2 I might want your Science notes.
3 My father hates a tie to work.
4 We can't afford a vacation this summer.
5 The company was pleased your thank-you letter.
6 Would you mind a window?
7 My suitcase is light enough this time.
8 She cannot leave the table without her dinner.
9 The music will continue until you turn it off.
10 My little brother dislikes his hair brushed.


-do homework every day

-watch TV in the afternoon

-help the parents at home

-play video ganes

-like the tests

-wear school uniform

-drink milk in the mornings

        Ask Yes/ No questions and answer them

 1.  Silvia do homework every day?   
5.  Rosa wear uniform to school ?  
2.  Roberto and John like tests?                                            
6.  Roberto and Anna help their parents at home?                                          
3.  Rosa like video games ?            
7.  Anna do homework every day?   
 4. Roberto and John drink milk in the mornings?                                         
8.  Silvia watch T.V.in the afternoon?                                         
  doesn't/ don't

1. Two pupils   do homework every day.    4. Roberto and John  drink milk in the mornings.
2. Two girls  like tests.       6. One boy  help their parents at home.
3. Rosa  like video games 8. One girl  watch T.V. in the afternoon
             Write the verbs in Present Simple

do,  watch, wear,  drink, help, like, play
                                                      1. Anna  homework every day.
                                                      2. Roberto and Anna  the parents at home?
                                                      3. Anna T.V.  in the afternoon.
                                                      4. Anna  milk in the mornigs.
                                                      5. John  video games.
                                                      6. Rosa  school uniform.
 by Victoria Barachman
graphics from 

Exercises about phrasal verbs

Choose the correct phrasal verb from the parenthesis at the end of the sentence.
  1. Someone broke into my car last night and stole the stereo. (broke down/broke into)
  2. Will you be able to get by this month with the little you have?(get off / get by)
  1. His father always taught him not to ____ those people with less. (look up to / look down on)
  2. Stop complaining and ____ your work! (get on with / get over)
  3. The boss wants you to _____ your figures for this month to him. (hand out / hand in)
  4. We’re going to have to _____ our trip to Spain until September. (put up/ put off)
  5. I _____ Amir today at the supermarket. It was great to see him. (ran out of / ran into)
  6. I’m so tired of Sophie ___her engagement ring all the time. (showing off, showing up)
  7. The police would not _____ to the kidnapper’s demands. (give up/ give in)
  8. I thought I would ____ for a cup of coffee. Is that okay? (drop off/ drop in)
  9. Have you ever ______ such an unusual piece of art? (come forward/come across)
  1. look down on
  2. get on with
  3. hand in
  4. put off
  5. ran into
  6. showing off
  7. give in
  8. drop in
  9. come across



Sometimes you need to use two or more adjectives to describe something or someone. Part of becoming fluent in English is knowing which order to use these adjectives in. Choose the most natural-sounding response:

1. He was wearing a ________ shirt.

  dirty old flannel

  flannel old dirty

  old dirty flannel

2. Pass me the ________ cups.

  plastic big blue

  big blue plastic

  big plastic blue

3. All the girls fell in love with the ________ teacher.

  handsome new American

  American new handsome

  new handsome American

4. I used to drive ________ car.

  a blue old German

  an old German blue

  an old blue German

5. He recently married a ________ woman.

  young beautiful Greek

  beautiful young Greek

  beautiful Greek young

6. This is a ________ movie.

  new Italian wonderful

  wonderful Italian new

  wonderful new Italian

7. She is a ________ supermodel.

  beautiful slim Brazilian

  Brazilian beautiful slim

  slim Brazilian beautiful

8. It's in the ________ container.

  large blue metal

  blue large metal

  blue metal large

9. He sat behind a ________ desk.

  big wooden brown

  big brown wooden

  wooden big brown

10. She gave him a ________ vase.

  small Egyptian black

  black Egyptian small

  small black Egyptian


Gerunds and Infinitives 3

Multiple Choice Exercise

Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.
1. Eliza recommended eating in a dim sum restaurant while we're in Hong Kong.

2. I demand to talk to the manager of the hotel immediately.

3. My grandmother recalled seeing a plane for the very first time when she was six.

4. She claims to be related to George Washington, but I don't believe her.

5. This broken bicycle needs fixing before someone can ride it.

6. I can't understand driving such a big car when gas prices are so high, not to mention what it does to the environment.

7. She refused to speak to me after our fight.

8. The wilderness adventure course lasts ten days and involves hiking more than fifty miles through rugged mountainous terrain.

9. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you don't understand the directions.

10. She managed to communicate with them, even though she didn't speak their language.


Modal verbs exercises


1 - I didn’t feel very well yesterday. I ________ eat anything.

2 - You ________ look at me when I am talking to you.

3 - I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ________ be here somewhere!

4 - You really ________ be late again.

5 - If you don’t start working harder, you ________ repeat the course next year.

6 - His parents spoil him. He’s always ________ to do whatever he wants.

7 - Phone her now. She ________ home by now.

8 - You ________ forget your sun cream. It’s going to be very hot!

9 - I ________ be able to help you, but I’m not sure yet.

10 - Entrance to the museum was free. We ________ pay to get in.



1 They (can/might) be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.

2 You (may/might) leave now if you wish.

3 (Could/May) you open the window a bit, please?

4 He (can/could) be French, judging by his accent.

5 (May/Can) you play the piano?

6 Listen, please. You (may not/might not) speak during this exam.

7 They (can't/may not) still be out!

8 You (couldn't/might not) smoke on the bus.

9 With luck, tomorrow (can/could) be a sunny day.

10 You (can/might) be right but I'm going back to check anyway.


Principio del formulario
1. I my wallet on the train. I still remember having it when I got off that train. (lose)
2. I'm thinking of going to New Zealand. You (joke).
3. They haven't sold many tickets for the match. Then it worth going to. (be)
4. There are no lights on in his house. He out. (go)
5. I can hear footsteps in the flat upstairs, so there someone there. (be)
6. You cold! It's more than 25°C in this room. (be)
7. Just look at the puddles. It quite heavily. (rain)
8. That girl 20 years old. She looks about 15. (be)
9. John ill. I've just seen him driving his new car. (be)
10. You have already eaten. You hungry. (be)
Final del formulario
Principio del formulario
Final del formulario



Choose the correct answer for each blank.

1 - __________ you speak French? - Only a few words, but my Russian is pretty good.

2 - You __________ eat so much chocolate. It’s not good for you.

3 - I__________ talk already before I was two years old.

4 - I__________ help you, but I don’t want to.

5 - __________ you open the window, please.

6 - I __________ move the table. It was too heavy.

7 - You__________ not put your feet on the cafeteria tables.

8 - If you continue to practice so hard, you __________ beat me before too long!

9 - __________ you swim?

10 - __________ you help me move this table? 


1. _________ I have more cheese on my sandwich?
a) Must
b) Could
c) Would
d) Have to

2. You _________ eat more vegetables.
a) should
b) might
c) may
d) could

3. I _________ like to buy the same television for my house.
a) could
b) must
c) would
d) have to

4. _________ I have a coffee please?
a) Must
b) Have to
c) May
d) Would

5. You _________ smoke near children.
a) have to
b) may
c) shouldn't
d) couldn't

6. The passengers _________wear their seatbelts at all times.
a) could
b) must
c) can
d) may

7. We _________ go to the concert if the rain stops. We don't know for sure.
a) mustn't
b) might
c) have to
c) wouldn't

8. I _________ ice skate very well.
a) can
b) may
c) must
d) should

9. The boys _________wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have class at 8:00 am.
a) would
b) can't
c) could
d) have to

10. The rock band _________play very well last year. Now they are much beter.
a) must
b) couldn't
c) can
c) should


1. He go skating because he broke his leg.

2. Many children in Britain wear school uniforms.

3. I'm not sure but Jane come to visit me this afternoon.

4. Didn't you see the sign? You drive more than 30 miles.

5. He speaks a lot of languages but he speak Chinese.

6. It snow. It looks like it.

7. You drive on the right in Britain.

8. He is a good boxer. You be careful.

9. You to smoke in the office.

10. This test will be very difficult. So you learn a lot.

11. You eat more vegetables because they are healthy.

12. I don't the car. You can take it.

13. He does everything himself. He no help.

14. It's going to rain. You shut the window.

15. You start a fire in the forest.


*Insert a suitable modal verb.

1-Jack  come to our wedding, but we aren't sure.

2- I buy the tickets for the concert? I  see you're too busy.

3-We  pay the fees at the fixed time.

4-You  clean your room more often.

5-If it rains on Saturday, we  go to the beach.

6- you speak German? No, I .

7-Jane  not play the violin when she was five, but now she  play it very well.

8-You  not be so nervous. I think it  be very easy.



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